Update to the New CIES: investing in a home to obtain permanent residency in Hong Kong

In his 2023 Policy Address on 25 October 2023, the Chief Executive announced the launch of the New Capital Investment Entrant Scheme (New CIES), which officially commenced on 1 March 2024.  For details of the New CIES, please refer to our previous article here.


In his 2024 Policy Address last week (16 October 2024), the Chief Executive announced an amendment to the rules of the New CIES.


Amendment relating to permissible investment assets


To recap, investments must fall under two categories: -


  1. HK$3 million (representing 10% of the permissible investment amount) must be allocated to the New CIES Investment Portfolio.


  1. The remaining HK$27 million (representing 90% of the permissible investment amount) must be invested in permissible financial assets and/or real estate.


The option to invest in real estate has now been amended to include residential properties, effective from 16 October 2024.  The investment must be made in one single property with a transaction price of HK$50 million or above, and includes a property with a date of completion falling on or after 16 October 2024.  The effective date of 16 October 2024 applies solely to investments in residential real estate.


For the purposes of the New CIES, "date of completion" refers to the date of payment on completion, or if payment is made in instalments, the date of payment of the last instalment.  The individual is considered to have made the investment in real estate on the date of completion.


Investments via a wholly-owned company


The Chief Executive also announced that investments made through an eligible private company wholly-owned by an applicant will be counted towards the applicant’s eligible investment, effective from 1 March 2025.  Further details will be announced in due course.


Key takeaways


With this amendment to the rules of the New CIES, the expanded scope of permissible investment assets has made it more straightforward for individuals and their dependants to settle in Hong Kong by investing in a home. This paves the way to obtain permanent residency status after seven years of continuous ordinary residence in Hong Kong.



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Howse Williams is a leading, full service, Hong Kong law firm. We combine the in-depth experience of our lawyers with a forward thinking approach.


Our key practice areas are corporate/commercial and corporate finance; commercial and maritime dispute resolution; clinical negligence and healthcare; insurance, personal injury and professional indemnity insurance; employment; family and matrimonial; trusts and wealth preservation; wills, probate and estate administration; property and building management; banking; fraud; distressed debt; investment funds; virtual assets; financial services/corporate regulatory and compliance.


As an independent law firm, we are able to minimise legal and commercial conflicts of interest and act for clients in every industry sector. The partners have spent the majority of their careers in Hong Kong and have a detailed understanding of international business and business in Asia.


Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is intended to be a general guide only and is not intended to provide legal advice. Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions about the article.